Thursday, April 26, 2012

YES FM Spring Share-a-thon

As many of you probably know, I got my start  in radio in 2004 while working a YES FM as an intern.    I worked as a part-time DJ and Administrative Assistant for a while before my family moved from the area, and after we moved back in 2007 I've been volunteering ever since.  I've recently joined the team again (officially), and am so excited to be a part of this ministry.

I grew up in a Catholic home, and while faith was encouraged, a true relationship with Christ was never emphasized.  I was 13 when I had my confirmation, and I was told that I'd received the Holy Spirit and it lived in me when I was anointed with the oil.  But shouldn't I have felt something?

I didn't.

I was 14 when I discovered YES FM.  It was the only station that I got on my walkman when I was in Commons at school.  The first songs that I heard were "Paradigm" by All Together Separate and "Rest" by Skillet.  I know this because I wrote them down on the back of my social studies notebook, which I found not too long ago.

It was on every day since.

Now, 15 years later, my kids are listening.  I remember working at concerts when I was pregnant with Samantha (now 7), and the bands praying over me (and her).    My kids hear songs on the bus to school that I DO NOT think are appropriate for elementary schoolers, but they bus driver doesn't seem to care.    But when we're in the car, or at home, I know they're hearing The Word.

I love and truly appreciate that YES FM is listener supported.  I remember when my dad was going through his treatments for cancer, and we would visit him when possible, the drive home was emotional.  I'd need to hear something to assure me that God was watching over my dad.  There was a corporately owned station that played 'Christian' music.  And while I enjoyed the music to a point, I hated hearing a song that spoke to me, then an advertisement for plastic surgery.  It really hurt the spirit that was filling my car.  I'm glad that YES FM is available on the Tune In radio app (and that I have a phone to play it on).  When I'm traveling outside the area, I can still be encouraged.

So as they - I mean we - are entering Share-a-thon, I'd like to share with you a letter from the Station Manager of YES FM.  And I encourage you - turn the station on and listen to it.   Pray about the youth that you know - whether they are in church or not - and ask God if it is His plan for you to give to a ministry that will help shape the future of the Church.

Dear Friends and Family, 
It is once again the time for our Sharathon at YES FM radio. This is the time that we raise support for the next 6 months of ministry work. Our goal is to raise $100,000 by Monday April 30th. Jesus is working through YES FM to change hearts and lives. When you support us, you are a part of the kingdom advancement to countless people who listen. Here are just a few testimonies we recently received from listeners to YES FM: 
I was locked up at T.O.C.I. and through your radio and positive word for our father and his son. I have came to love the lord and now have only been out for a month and I have still walking in Christ and through his love and forgiving heart. I now know I can be a positive person with out all the drugs and crazyness in my life. Thank you for all the hard time I went through why I was in Toledo with out YES FM I would of never made it through it. 
LOVE THE MUSIC YOU PLAY! You guys make such a difference in the lives of your listeners. My family has been deeply affected by this radio station, my brother and sister have both found Christ through the music of YES FM. Thank you all so much. 
In Luke 10 Jesus sent out 70 disciples, and part of their instruction was, “But whatever house you enter, first say, ‘Peace to this house.’ The Word peace is “Shalom”, which means “completeness, wholeness, welfare and health. It suggests speaking perfect wholeness of blessing to that household. They were to literally bring a word of complete peace and blessing into every aspect of that household.

Well, for 20 years YES FM has been coming into homes, car, phones and workplaces like your speaking words of peace and shalom through word and song. How valuable is that to homes and families today? 
If you would like to help us reach our goal and continue to bring “shalom” into homes then I would ask you to consider making a pledge at Thank you for you love and support. 
In Him,
Todd Hostetler