Saturday, February 4, 2012

Day 18 Judges 1-10

Judges 10:15-16The People of Israel said to God: "We've sinned. Do to us whatever you think best, but please, get us out of this!" Then they cleaned house of the foreign gods and worshiped only God. And God took Israel's troubles to heart.

 Even though generations of Israelites turned away from God, He still loved them.  And knew that they would walk away from Him, and that the would return to Him.  

As our Father, He does not coddle us and give us everything that we ask for.  Sometimes we have to learn our lessons.  

As a parent, it's the hardest part.  Not that my kids are bad, but we've all had bad days.  And there are consequences to bad behaviors.  My 5 year old daughter has a bit of a temper, and has a fit once a week.  It's become less frequent because she's finally learning that she gets things taken away when she acts up.  But when she adjusts her attitude, and performs a few kind acts, we give them back.

So as I do with my kids, God does with us.  But when we submit to Him, ask for forgiveness and follow His guidance, He will always take care of us.

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