Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Day 1: Genesis Chapters 1-16

The stories in the first 16 chapters of the Bible are fairly well known; Creation of the Earth, Creation of Man, The Fall of Adam & Eve, Noah & The Flood, Lot, Abram and Sarai.

My daughter Samantha was reading her children's bible a few days ago.  She asked me why God took part of Adam to make Eve, why couldn't He just make Eve the way he made Adam.  Very profound for a 6 year old.

There's a joke that a friend of mine told me once, many years ago:

Adam was walking in the Garden of Eden, saw all the animals with their mates.  He asked God "Lord, can I have that? Someone who will stand by me, help me and love me?  The Lord said"Of Course, I will Create the perfect partner for you, filled with obedience and love.  But it'll cost you an arm and a leg."  Adam though for a moment and replied "What can I get for one of my ribs?"

I know, it's lame.

So why did God create Eve from Adam?  Well, I told my daughter that I love her father so much, that it feels like something is missing when we're not together - like we are physically connected and when we're apart of too long something's not right.  God used Adam's rib to connect husband and wife, mentally, emotionally and physically.

If you've been married or in a relationship (or even just close to your family), you know that you all start to think a like and finish sentences and all that weird family stuff.  I think that's God's way of reminding us that bonds of family - especially husband and wife - was built into us from the beginning.  It's all a part of his plan.

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