Monday, January 16, 2012

Day 10 Numbers 1-9

Numbers 5:5-10
5-10 God spoke to Moses: "Tell the People of Israel, When a man or woman commits any sin, the person has broken trust with God, is guilty, and must confess the sin. Full compensation plus twenty percent must be made to whoever was wronged. If the wronged person has no close relative who can receive the compensation, the compensation belongs to God and must be given to the priest, along with the ram by which atonement is made. All the sacred offerings that the People of Israel bring to a priest belong to the priest. Each person's sacred offerings are his own, but what one gives to the priest stays with the priest."

I think something that is lost in society today is the concept of righting our wrongs.  We'd rather put extra effort into avoiding the people that we hurt, or who have hurt us, than addressing the issues.

What's more, we don't submit our sins to God.  I think that's an important piece to our walks, that most of us forget.

My daughters were in the same Sunday School class, and their teacher told them that when they say something hurtful to a friend, they need to apologize not only to their friend, but also to God.  Now, my kids are all very special, and I love them all very much.  But there is something amazing yet startling about how mature my daughter Samantha is, and how easily she understands certain concepts.  So when she was taught this lesson, she began enforcing it at home.  Every time her brother or sister upset her, or did something wrong, she'd remind them to apologize to (whoever) and also to Jesus.

I think it should be something that we do on a daily basis, wipe the slate clean of the sins we committed during the day (and yes, you did commit some, so did I).  Thank God for your blessings, and ask Him to forgive your sins.  Your relationships will be stronger for it.

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